The objective of this project is to develop novel technology for reproducible growth of composition-controlled axial Si/Ge nanopillar heterojunctions and demonstrate their applications in transfer electron devices. Intellectual merit: (i) optimization of the proposed growth technique for axial Si/Ge nanopillar heterojunctions with controlled composition profiles; (ii) comprehensive characterization of the Si/Ge nanopillar heterojunctions using scanning tunneling microscopy, high-resolution analytical transmission electron microscopy, high spectroscopic resolution photo/electro-luminescence and Raman scattering; (iii) demonstration of a transferred electron device prototype with a high peak-to-valley ratio negative differential resistance at room temperature and oscillation frequencies in a sub-THz/THz domain; (iv) theoretical modeling of electronic transitions at Si/Ge nanopillar hetero-interfaces focused on physical mechanisms of the L-X electron transfer. The broader impacts of this program include comprehensive training of NJIT graduate and undergraduate students in the strategically important areas of semiconductor nanoelectronics and nanotechnology; integration of research and education at undergraduate and graduate level, and further developing of a partnership between New Jersey Institute of Technology, Hewlett Packard Research Laboratories and National Research Council of Canada. An important component of this proposal is public education in nanotechnology and outreach efforts to underrepresented groups in science and technology via lectures, demonstrations, laboratory tours and summer research programs for high-school students and teachers in Newark and New Jersey Metropolitan Area.