This objective of this program is to establish an antenna design and measurement laboratory at the University of North Dakota (UND) through the acquisition of major equipment.
Intellectual Merit The intellectual merit is the design of advanced and novel antennas including small antennas for biosensors and microwave imaging, wearable and low power antennas for spacesuits, small spacecraft and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) payload and sensor electronics, and smart multiple antennas for vehicular wireless communication. Each of these active projects has potential for advancement of knowledge. In biomedical microwave imaging and biosensors, a novel method for diagnosis of diseased cells is proposed which is based on wireless biosensors. These sensors need miniaturized biocompatible antennas. At UND the spacesuit group is developing two generations of spacesuits. For communication and health monitoring, there is a need for small efficient antennas. The antenna laboratory will provide means of testing the proposed novel wearable antennas on the suit.
Broader Impact The establishment of this laboratory has significant effects on the training students. The shortage of antenna and radio frequency (RF) engineers with proper experience in today?fs job market calls for putting extra effort in training students in this field. The proposed laboratory gives opportunities to the investigators to expose students to their research and to train them more effectively by integrating different practical examples of their research within the undergraduate/graduate curriculum. In particular, this can impact the attraction and involvement of under-represented female students in the field of RFand antenna design.
We established a state-of-the-art antenna laboratory in the University of North Dakota to be used by various ongoing and future research projects such as development of wearable and wideband antennas, wireless biomedical monitoring systems, un-manned aerial vehicles, vehicular communications, etc. The laboratory consists of an anechoic chamber and antenna measurement software that is functional up to 40 GHz. Also standard single and dual polarized antennas are purchased for accurate gain measurements. The laboratory was completed just recently. We envision that different research project will start using it in the upcoming months. This is a great addition to our applied electromagnetic laboratory also includes with measurement equipment such as vector network analyzer, spectrum analyzer and signal generator. Wireless technology plays a significant role in our lives and antenna is a major part of any wireless system. Accurate design and testing of antennas enables us to enhance wireless technology. In the University of North Dakota many research groups are focusing on developing new technologies that related to wireless systems. The addition of the antenna laboratory has provided capability of designing and testing novel antennas and wireless systems. The laboratory will be utilized by graduate and undergraduate students through their course assignments or for their research theses. In particular, in the University of North Dakota Applied Electromagnetic Laboratory we have an ongoing project on design ultra-wideband antennas for microwave imaging that will benefit from having access to this laboratory. Another ongoing project is wearable antenna design such as textile and paper antennas. Wearable antennas are of interest for biomedical monitoring systems. These antennas will be also tested in this laboratory.