Research Objectives and Approaches: The objective of this research is the development of measurement instrumentation that will enable (i) measurement of distributed wireless propagation channels with ultra-wide bandwidth and (ii) design, measurement and validation of distributed wireless systems for communications, localization, and radar. The instrumentation is thus intended to explore both the fundamental principles of distributed wireless propagation channels and systems, as well as to enable the development and testing of practical distributed wireless systems that go far beyond current systems. The approach is based on a combination of state-of-the array channel sounding with electro-optical signal conversion. By converting wideband microwave signals to optical signals, which are transmitted via optical fibers, widely separated antennas can be operated by a single high-precision signal source/receiver in a synchronized manner.
Intellectual Merit: Firstly, the development activity will push the frontiers of electro-optical modulation. Secondly, the instrument enables many measurements that will for the first time answer some of the fundamental questions related to wireless propagation in distributed systems, such as the correlation of shadowing, delay spread, and angular spread at widely separated transmitters/receivers. Further intellectual merit is obtained from the use of these measurement results to stimulate and test novel theoretical ideas.
Broader impact: Measurements with the developed instrumentation will help to enable novel applications of distributed wireless systems (many of which are ?Grand Challenges? defined by the National Academy), such as wireless health and remote monitoring of vital signs, distributed localization for emergency responders, high-efficiency video distribution systems, and many more.