The objective of this program is the experimental demonstration of transformative silicon photonic devices for optical delay line integrated circuits. Specifically, novel electronically-tuned analog delay lines, low-loss digital delay lines, optical amplifiers enhanced for high gain and monolithic integration, and switches designed for high interchannel isolation are proposed. Several of these devices will be eventually monolithically integrated on the same silicon wafer and a multi-channel integrated photonic circuit will be demonstrated.
The intellectual merit is the application of the program?s outcomes in optical storage, telecommunications, optical interconnects, etc. True-time delay lines in optical domain have been pursued to replace bulky and lossy coaxial cables. The proposed integrated photonic solutions on silicon are advantageous in many ways and can lead to a transformative lightweight and electronics-compatible platform.
The broader impacts are outreach to all levels of education and diffusion into the society. The merger of key fields of research will drive future scientific breakthroughs and educate multifaceted undergraduate and graduate students. The PI will participate as a ?super-scientist? in a local elementary school. High school students will be brought to campus for scientific field trips and tours of laboratories. Outreach projects for underrepresented minorities are highlighted to provide research experience for undergraduates and expose them to science and engineering disciplines. The proposed multidisciplinary work may play a role in more advanced telecommunication, biophotonic and information technology systems with direct impact on the daily life of our society.