The objective of this program is the heterogeneous integration of graphene with silicon integrated circuits for next generation nanoelectronics that leverage the complexity, scale, cost, and technology proliferation of mature silicon systems with the unique functionalities of graphene for future ubiquitous advanced systems.
Intellectual Merit: The intellectual merit is the pioneering of a new cross-disciplinary research to create graphene devices integrated with silicon electronics for advanced systems for the first time. These systems will offer tunable functionality and greater computational efficiency beyond the performance of stand-alone silicon technology. The effort is organized into five essential tasks which are necessary to overcome the existing challenges ranging from wafer-scale growth, optimized devices with minimal non-idealities, and the first realization of graphene-silicon terahertz electronics.
Broader Impacts: The broader impacts are the future proliferation of new advanced graphene-silicon integrated systems for the benefit of the broader society. Such systems are transformative because the integration of graphene extends the capabilities of low-cost ubiquitous silicon technology into the terahertz regime with added tunability leading to revolutionary new products much like gigahertz silicon electronics revolutionized mobile communications. Example systems include: terahertz transceivers for imaging, security, communication and spectroscopy; sensor arrays for electronic-nose applications; and graphene enabled optoelectronics. In addition, tight coupling between the research program and educational outreach initiatives will provide undergraduate research experiences at the forefront of nanoelectronics, and also afford secondary school students exposure to nanoscience. The outreach initiatives will impact scores of underrepresented students and inspire them to pursue technical careers.