With this proposal we respectfully request NSF funding to support the organization of a workshop entitled ?Collaborative Research Opportunities in Telecommunications Technologies,? to be held Nv.1-2, 2011, in Dublin, Ireland. The objective of the workshop is to stimulate discussion, encourage interactions, and help establish research ties between leading researchers in the US and Ireland. Research focus will be on various areas of telecommunications in both the optical fibers and the wireless technologies. It is expected that through detailed presentations by researchers from both countries that the group will be able to share knowledge on emerging technologies, identify bottlenecks, and discuss collaborative avenues for collaborations. It is hoped that as a result of the workshop several joint proposals will be submitted by not only the participating group but also by their colleagues at their institutions. The workshop will be for two days, with the first day focused on presentations by researchers from both side, while the second day will focus on interactive sessions and panel discussions to help enhance the cooperation and initiate more activities to capitalize on the presence of US scientists in Dublin.
Intellectual Merit:
Based on the proposed workshop presentations that will be made by leading researchers from both countries, and through discussions on potential future research opportunities during panel sessions, significant progress will be made towards identifying innovative research ideas in the telecommunications area and hopefully avenues for enabling next generation of this technology will be jointly pursued by the participating groups and their institutions.
Broader Impact:
The workshop will lead to establishing ties between researchers in both countries. It is hoped that this will lead to joint proposals and collaborative interactions between telecommunication researchers both in Ireland and the US.
Two US/Ireland worshops were held under this NSF grant. Both workshops were focused on wireless technologies, while the second workshop also included presentation on microwave components, devices and systems. The first workshop was held Nov.1-3, 2011, while the second one was held Sept 30-October 2, 2014. The first workshop included presentations by 5 US researchers, with the second one included presentations by 9 researchers from the US as well as presentation by three Program Mangers from NSF. The workshops were highly publicized by the SFI of Ireland and participations included scientists and engineers from Ireland, Nortehr Ireland and the US. Following each of these workshops there were organized tours for labs and research ceterns in Ireland (Dublin) and Nortehrn Ireland (Belfast). Example sessions in these workshops incude: Research opportunities in the Telecommunications and Wireless Technologies Areas Directional and spatially aware wireless networks Communications Networks, Security, and Data StorageCommunications Networks, Security, and Data Storage Nano- and meta-material research and applications RFID and Wireless Sensors Technologies Sensors technologies for biomedical and patient monitoring applications Sensors and green energy applications Cognitive radios and communications systems Research opportunities inCommunications systems, devices and components New antennas designs and RF components technologies for wireless applications Mobile wireless networks, integrated resources and software management systems