This project is jointly funded by the Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetic Devices Program (EPMD) in the Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) and the Electronic and Photonic Materials Program (EPM) in the Division of Materials Research (DMR).
Intellectual Merit: The project includes optimization of Erbium incorporation for enhanced optical efficiency; development of device fabrication processes of nitride optical amplifiers and emitters active at 1.5 microns; and new applications in optoelectronic technologies. The planned research will involve training of graduate and undergraduate students in the areas of novel materials growth, characterization, nano-fabrication techniques and material/device processing using the state-of-the-art facilities. The Er-doped III-nitride photonic structures may lead to novel electrically pumped optical amplifiers. Such devices would possess the unique advantages of semiconductor optical amplifiers (small size, electrical pumping, and ability for photonic integration) as well as those of Er-doped fiber amplifiers (minimal crosstalk between different wavelength channels in optical networks). The studies would also provide input for the development of suitable quality materials and the fundamental understanding of material properties, as well as the technological advancement in the fabrication of integrated optoelectronic devices active from infrared to deep UV.
Broader Impact: This proposal has the potential to make transformative advancements in development of electrically pumped, semiconductor optical amplifiers for optical communications and information processing. The project will involve training of graduate and undergraduate students in the areas of novel materials growth, characterization, nano-fabrication techniques and material/device processing using the state-of-the-art facilities. In addition, the PIs will continue their close relationship with local middle - high schools students and to recruit women into their research.