Research Objectives and Approaches The objective of this research is to study new methods for crystalline silicon photovoltaics that allow significant reduction of active materials as well as integrated module designs for enhanced optical absorption. The approach is (1) to fabricate ultrathin, monocrystalline silicon solar cells as nanostructureddevice platforms, (2) to integrate them in engineered luminescent medium for spectral modification, and (3) to implement nanostructure-enabled light trapping schemes for optimized system performance.
Intellectual Merit The research will lead to the development of innovative materials platforms and fabrication strategies that can offer high performance, flexible silicon solar modules with significant reduction of materials cost. The proposed studies will provide deeper understanding of optical processes associated with spectral upconversion and down-shifting when combined with schemes of nanophotonic light trapping, and their resultant synergistic effects on overall system performance of ultrathin silicon photovoltaic devices.
Broader Impact Scientific and technological advances from this research will contribute to the progress of making photovoltaic technologies cost-competitive with earth-abundant materials, providing a practical solution for the future global energy demand. Both graduate and undergraduate students will gain unique, interdisciplinary educational experience and training by engaging in the proposed research, where participation of students from underrepresented group will be highly encouraged. The PI will develop and conduct outreach programs for educationally-disadvantaged K-12 students in local community through the Center for Engineering Diversity at the University of Southern California.