The objective of this program is to build institutional terahertz research capacity and capabilities through the acquisition of a terahertz vector network analyzer. The proposed instrument measures network parameters of the electrical circuit and provides information regarding S-parameters, noise figure, gain compression, intermodulation, harmonic distortion, conversion gain/loss, and signal integrity information of the device, components, and materials.
Intellectual Merit: The intellectual merit of the program is enabling terahertz research and research training in various areas including high power terahertz device, terahertz tunable components and materials, terahertz magnetic nanostructures, terahertz antiferromagnetic material, bio tissue characterization, terahertz imaging, and terahertz active materials research. Promising basic research concepts in terahertz area can be experimentally demonstrated which will lead to innovations and advancement of terahertz technology.
Broader impact: The broader impacts of the program include enabling research and education in terahertz frequency range and bringing community together through the increased access to the instrument from various entities. By engaging five major universities in Colorado, research collaboration in terahertz technology will lead to a new area of multidisciplinary basic research and education. Through instrument share, educational and research opportunities for southern Colorado residents including ethnic minority and women can be increased where there is a large educational achievement gap between different ethnicity.