The objective of this multidisciplinary program is to develop disruptive Radio Frequency (RF) technologies that provide significant spectral efficiency gains at the physical layer, by leveraging recent advances in physical layer interference management and integrated receiver design.
Intellectual merit: The intellectual merits of this project is composed of the following three thrusts: (i) RF Front-End Signal Projection and Cancellation for Enhanced Dynamic Range, (ii) Controlled Reflectors for Receiver-Centric Interference Management, and (iii) Fundamentals of Receiver-Centric Interference Management. The first thrust utilizes information about the structure of the interference to suppress it early in the receiver chain, shielding subsequent stages from full dynamic range requirements of the system. The second thrust develops RF receivers which double as controlled, coordinated reflectors, and are able to alter the effective channel gains to nearby receivers. The third thrust develops new interference management strategies in the light of the aforementioned new capabilities of transceivers and studies the fundamental limits of spectral efficiency under such technologies.
Broader impacts: By developing collaboration and communication between two fields of "information theory" and "RF Integrated Circuits", this program opens new horizons in both fields. This project impacts the nation's economy not only by enabling greater network capacity, but also by spurring technological advances that can easily be transferred to the wireless and electronics industries, driving economic growth in those areas. This project also provides opportunities for research experience for undergraduates and includes several outreach activities.