The objective of this proposal is to request funds to provide support for travel expenses for between 20-25 graduate students of US universities to attend the 26th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) with its URL at The conference will be held in Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, on September 22-25, 2019. The proposed budget is for participants' travel costs only. This travel grant will serve as a means to facilitate graduate students of U.S. universities to attend the conference, present their most recent research accomplishments, and to have the opportunities to network and to obtain research and career advices from leading international experts in the field.
Intellectual Merit: Conferences are a fertile ground to foster research collaborations. They provide fruitful opportunities for the participants to interact, exchange ideas, and to share experiences and best practices. Thus, conferences are inherently conducive for advancing knowledge and understanding in their respective technical fields, as well as for cross-fertilization in different fields. It also represents opportunities for cross-fertilization in all areas. The review criteria for submitted papers specifically includes creativity, innovation, potential impacts on advancing the knowledge in the technical fields, as well as transformative potentials. The proposed travel support is an effective way to encourage graduate students from U.S. universities to participate in this international conference. Participating in the conference will offer the students valuable experience in networking, exchanging research ideas, and broadening their views. It will improve our graduate students' competitiveness in the global market.
Broader Impacts: The successful careers of graduate students are fundamental to advancing theory and applications in all fields of science and engineering. For the last 25 years, ICIP has been a force for good research in the broad areas of image/video processing. It has helped enhance research activities, foster international collaborations, and provided an educational and informative forum for researchers at all stages of their career. Participating students will gain valuable experiences through direct interactions with their international peers, and with senior researchers at diverse research institutions from many other countries.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.