The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the best minds in materials technology and optoelectronics in order to identify key technical road blocks in the eventual fabrication of III-IV semiconductor optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs). Once these problems have been identified, solutions to them will be solicited. The scope of the workshop is international, covering government, industrial and university research and is by invitation (in order to keep the attendance low and hence resulting in an atmosphere more open for discussion). The sessions are expected to be informal with round table discussion and moderator-lead debates. Attendees are expected to participate actively with opportunity for attendees to speculate. The workshop is NOT designed simply to be a review of current technology. Discussion, exchange of opinions or ideas, debate, brain storming and candor are expected. Formal presentations are discouraged. Two reports will be written: 1) a more completed summary of the workshop for NSF consumption and 2) an abbreviated version which deals in more general terms (deleting reference to individuals) for publication is recognized journal such as "Applied Optics." The value of this workshop in expected to be extremely high in terms of technological progress and U.S. future competitiveness in high tech industry.