A multiple target apparatus will be built for epitaxial growth of semiconductors, magnetic semiconductors, magnetic metal films, and high Tc superconductors. Specific elements of our investigation are: (1) Evaluate the growth of new semiconductor structures by sequentially layering atomic monolayers. This could become a totally new type of chemistry. Technologically important materials such as InGaAs2 and GaA13As4 would not have alloy- related problems like carrier scattering and energy level broadening. (2) Growth studies of ordered magnetic II-VI semiconductors. Large enhancements of the magnetic susceptibility are expected for Cd3MnTe4, which appear to be necessary for devices like magnetically-tunable lasers and Faraday rotators. (3) Evaluate the laser-ablation technique for p- and n-doping of II-VI semiconductors. p-n junctions are just beginning to become feasible for CdTe and possible ZnSe. (4) Overlaying thin films of magnetic metals may lead to higher density magnetic recording. (5) Epitaxial growth and thin film layering of high-Tc superconductors. In situ deposition of insulating barriers could lead to improve tunnel junctions.