9313749 Tsui An electron energy filter made of quantum well structures is found extremely useful in reducing the dark current of a quantum well infrared photodetector, and thus increasing the detector operating temperature. However, the noise characteristics associated with this energy filtering process have not been investigated in detail. We propose a 2-year research program to conduct an in-depth investigation of the noise properties of electron energy filters with different band sturctures. The result will be useful in designing a low noise, high sensitivity quantum well detector. The program will be carried out in three stages: In the first stage we will focus on designing and fabricating different energy filter structures and setting up noise characterization equipment apropriate for the present devices. The second will concentrate on the noise measurements and a physical understanding of the results, and based on these results,and based on these reults, we will in third stage be designing and demonstrating quantum well detectors with lowest detector noise and highest sensitivity.***