29617153 Cheng The goals of the proposed research are to develop technologies in the fields of epitaxial growth of strained quantum wire (QWR) structures by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), multi-axial strain engineering, and computer modeling of low dimensional strained structures based on efficient band-structure models to make possible the fabrication of wavelength stable semiconductor lasers for optical fiber communication and information applications. Specifically, we plan to fabricate wavelength stable 1.55 (mGaxInl-xAs/InP and 0.98 (m GaxInl-xAsyP1-y/GaAs lasers which employ strained QWR active regions formed in situ by the strain induced lateral-layer ordering (SILO) process during MBE growth. The stable wavelength results from a unique multi-axial strain generated in the QWR region by the SILO process. It is expected that by using this multi-axial strain technique within a QWR structure, new quantum and optical effects will be observed which will in turn lead to novel devices with new functions and/or improved performance. It is our vision that the completion of this research should lead to 1) new insight into innovative growth methods, 2) knowledge and control of multi-axial strain engineering, 3) an understanding of new physical effects in strained quantum wire structures and devices, 4) the development of new efficient modeling techniques, and 5) the physical realization of novel strained quantum wire lasers and devices with improved performance characteristics. ***