A Distributed Center for Advanced Electronics Simulation called DesCArtES will be established to address the needs of predictive physical models and computational tools for future generations of nanoelectronic and optoelectronic devices. The efforts will focus on several key research themes of highest priority, through the formation of a strong collaborative team linking four of the leading academic groups in Computational Electronics: the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (acting as lead institution), Stanford University, Purdue University and Arizona State University. These groups have each their own strengths, and at the same time sufficient overlap of interests and a track record of collaboration, so that joint research efforts on the proposed themes can be effectively pursued.
The research themes include:
a) Continuum and Semi-Classical Simulation of Devices; b) Optoelectronics Simulation; c) Atomic-Scale Process Modeling for Nanoelectronics; d) Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Devices.
The goals of this research consortium impact applications on a very large computational scale. While most of the development and testing can be conducted on typical workstations, realistic calculations, particularly in 3-D, will require considerable use of multiprocessor supercomputers. DesCArtES will have key interactions with many industrial laboratories, e.g. the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in Illinois, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and NASA Ames Research Center in California. Through the close relationship with these centers, the consortium will gain access to the high performance computational infrastructure necessary for the research efforts proposed. The collaboration with JPL and NASA also emphasizes goals that are new and in many ways complementary to the goals usually pursued in the industrial collaborations of this partnership. From the variety of collaborations as well as the interdisciplinary emphasis of some of the proposed research, the center will derive a well-rounded and creative perspective of new and important applications in Computational Electronics, thus creating the necessary environment to pursue successfully the proposed research themes. ***