This REU Site program will provide rigorous training in research methods for undergraduate students in the fields of mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, and materials science and engineering. Particular attention will be paid to underrepresented students in order to ensure program diversity and students from institutions with limited STEM opportunities in order to provide research opportunities to students that otherwise cannot access these opportunities. The program will provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage with industrial experts and will encourage the students to pursue graduate education. Investment in this program will help the United States maintain a competitive advantage in the critical manufacturing technology of Additive Manufacturing (AM).
The effort will foster interest in a key competitive technology area and provide valuable knowledge related to the following components: 1) a ten week summer program on AM research that combines analytical studies and computer aided design and analysis with a hands-on laboratory experience, 2) challenging individual research projects utilizing the skills of mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, materials science and engineering, and information technology, to address critical issues in AM, 3) structured mentoring system for the students that includes a network of students and faculty, 4) opportunities where industry and faculty experts discuss topics such as state-of-the-art research, emerging technologies, etc., and 5) an environment where students learn effective communication in a variety of media.
This three-year program at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) is focused in the area of Additive Manufacturing (AM). Each year ten undergraduate students will join the Missouri S&T team of faculty and graduate students to engage in exciting, interdisciplinary AM research. To meet the interdisciplinary nature of AM, the proposed program will be a joint effort of the Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, and Information Science and Technology, as well as the Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies on the Missouri S&T campus.
The goals of this REU Site program are to: 1) educate undergraduate students to the awesome possibilities AM allows and stimulate them to learn more, 2) provide students with individual challenging research projects in AM that include analytical, computer aided design and analysis, and hands-on components in world class facilities with state-of-the-art equipment, 3) attract talented undergraduate students, particularly underrepresented students (at least 35% female and 20% minority) and students from institutions with limited STEM research opportunities (at least 50%), to conduct research in AM and motivate them to pursue graduate studies, and 4) provide activities that expose the students to other exciting areas of research and cutting?edge technologies, improve their communication skills, etc.