Climate change is one of the major challenges that the U.S. faces in the 21st century. Carbon emissions, as a major catalyst, are in great part a result of construction, maintenance, and operation of transportation systems. With support from the NSF Division of Engineering Education and Centers, this award establishes the REU Site in Sustainable Resilient Transportation Systems at the University of Delaware which will contribute to the state-of-the-art technologies and design methodologies with a potential to reduce carbon emissions and, consequently, help address climate change. The site will host a diverse cohort of undergraduate researchers who will engage in interdisciplinary research programs in electric and autonomous vehicles; green construction materials and structures; and resilient infrastructure. By enabling low-carbon footprint transportation systems, the REU site contributes towards improved global economic prosperity, the safety of our planet’s residents, and future development. Training provided at the REU site will help develop a diverse STEM workforce capable of tackling the complex engineering challenges of the 21st century, improving the U.S. competitiveness at the global level.

This unique program provides students with research experiences in sustainable resilient transportation systems; develops students’ experimental, quantitative analysis, and communication skills; fosters student appreciation of interdisciplinary collaborations, the pursuit of graduate degrees and careers in transportation-related fields; and increases the diversity of the transportation workforce. This is accomplished by the students participating in individual and cohort experiences. Individual experiences will promote students’ transition from dependent to independent researcher status in their laboratory by engaging students in personalized mentoring with REU Site faculty advisors. Cohort experiences are designed to strengthen students’ intellectual focus in Sustainable Resilient Transportation Systems, support the development of students’ research skills, and encourage student-student communication and collaboration. It is anticipated that this work will contribute to the development of more diverse engineering programs for students underrepresented in STEM as well as provide opportunities for students that have limited access to research experiences. This underserved population presents a significant potential benefit to society in areas in which innovation and creativity are most needed.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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University of Delaware
United States
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