Plasma-Aided Manufacturing, the use of electrically charged particles in the manufacturing processes, is an emerging field that have direct applications to many high technology products and traditional industries. The University of Wisconsin at Madison will establish an Engineering Research Center on Plasma- Aided Manufacturing to expand fundamental knowledge on industrial plasmas, and develop new processes to meet present and future requirements of industry. The research thrusts will include, (1) plasma etching and microwave processing, (2) plasma deposition and polymerization, (3) plasma synthesis, sintering, and spraying of ceramics and refractory metals, and (4) plasma modification of materials. There will be a subcontract to the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. The Center will bring together faculty and students from 11 separate departments. A team of 30 companies who span the range from large multi-national corporations to specialized and smaller manufacturers will participate in the Center's research, education and technology transfer activities.