PI-NAME: Michael A. Littlejohn (NC State) EID-9109853 CO-PI-NAME: Timothy J. Anderson (U of FL) FY 92 $3,661,632 James F. Marchman (VA Polytech.) FY 92 $3,789,550 William E. Sayle, II (GA I. of Tech) FY 93 $3,629,383 Tildon H. Glisson (NC State) FY 94 $3,463,147 William B. Barlage (Clemson U) FY 95 $3,390,342 Robert J. Coleman (U of NC) Krishnamurty Karamcheti (FL A&M) Kenneth H. Murray (NC A&T) SUCCEED has two primary goals: to improve the quality and relevance of their degree programs; and to impact broadly engineering education in the 21st-century. In pursuing these goals, they will increase student retention, engineering enrollments and numbers of SUCCEED graduates, while recruiting, retaining, and graduating more women, minority, and handicapped student engineers. SUCCEED's curriculum restructuring plan focuses on: integration of all subjects with engineering design and practice; elimination of course and infrastructure barriers to curriculum innovation; and consideration of engineering as a process and a system. SUCCEED's management plan focuses on: instilling personal traits of innovation, teamwork, and leadership; and stimulating organizational traits leading to quality products, customer service, and an on-going product improvement process. SUCCEED will be organized as an experimental Engineering Education Management System (EEMS) comprised of four distributed, multi-institutional centers which will promote inter- and intra-institutional collaborations and establish an environment for exploring engineering education. The four distributed centers are: 1) Center for Curriculum Development (University of Florida); 2) Center for Human Resource Development (Georgia Institute of Technology); 3) Center for Engineering Design and Processes (North Carolina State University); and 4) Center for Information and Technology (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). SUCCEED will achieve: an evaluation of a new engineering curriculum blueprint called Curriculum-21; an increase in the total numbers of female and minority students by 50% coalition-wide; an increase in student retention by 50% and in four-year graduation rates by a proportionate amount; an improvement in the number of students pursuing graduate degrees; the promotion of math and science education in K-12; the promotion of basic technology literacy for non-engineering graduates; and an improvement in the alternative entry interface with community colleges and 2 and 4-year institutions. In addition, SUCCEED will determine the prerequisites and guidelines for integrating principles and practices of Total Quality Management into the engineering curriculum, engineering management, and engineering processes.