9423989 Murhammer The Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at The University of Iowa support for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site, with ten students per year from selected universities and colleges throughout the United States, with an emphasis on recruitment from six Historically Black Colleges and Universities and four small liberal arts colleges to conduct research for an 8 week summer period. These students will be matched with one of seven faculty advisors in order that they can conduct research in an area most closely related to their interests. The individual projects will be in research areas of expertise of the supervising REU faculty to ensure direct scientific interaction between the REU students and the graduate students of each research group. A close student-faculty interaction will be developed during daily discussions about the progpess of the particular project and other research related issues. In addition, weekly seminars on research-related issues and many social events will be held. The summer's program will conclude with an "in-house" research conference during which the REU students will present their research results. It is expected that significant guidance by the REU advisor will be necessary during the early stages of the research. As the research progresses, the REU advisor will gradually decrease the level of guidance in order to move the student toward as much independence as his/her ability warrants. All of these programs and activities are planned to achieve the goal of making undergraduate students more aware of graduate research opportunities in chemical and biochemical engineering. ***