9555753 Muller The proposal seeks to implement, at 6-8 other engineering schools, the highly successful problem-solving teaches training model developed at Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. We propose an institute for the summer of 1997 to introduce engineering faculty and others to the Engineering Problem-Solving concepts and their applications to high school instruction. Each team will include 1-2 engineering faculty members, 1-2 high school teachers who have participated in past workshops; other team members might include engineers working in industry and/or administrators from the engineering school who would be involved in designing and/or operations of the replication programs. All tea members of each team will come from the same geographic area, and they will be recruited as team, with the explicit understanding that they are interested in and committed to replicating the institute (with appropriate adaptations for individual site locations and considerations). The institute will not only offer experiential learning of the methods, but will provide an intensive focus on developing plans for replication, so that participants will leave with an outline of expectations for the team as a whole, for individual team members, and specifications for the technical assistance they would like from Thayer School as they proceed to develop their replications. Following the institute technical assistance will be available to those undertaking the replications, and their progress will be tracked, with interventions as needed to assist the development of the replications. We will establish electronic communications (listservs, web pages) to allow participants readily to share their progress, request information, ask questions, etc. ***