Proposal No.: 9721446 PI: Auner University: Wayne St. U ABSTRACT The students will be trained in sensor design, fabrication, and VLSI integration. The project is a collaboration between personnel in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Physics Department at Wayne State University. The project will involve research in the technology of electronic and photonic materials, devices and associated interactive electronics. The students will be exposed to a variety of hands-on experiments involving the development of prototype sensors for use with VLSI integration in the Center for Smart Sensors and Integrated Devices at the Wayne State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The work performed by the students will be used to enhance the curriculum being developed in the area of microelectronics materials integration and smart devices. The objective of the proposed REU Site is to provide students with a comprehensive research experience in smart sensors and integrated devices- providing them with unique opportunities that they ordinarily would not have. Particular emphasis will be placed on increasing the number of female and minority students in the program and to encourage an increase in under-represented students in our graduate program.