EEC-9725036 Pamela A. Eibeck Northern Arizona University "Integrating Practice into Advanced Engineering Education" ABSTRACT This award provides funding for a practice-oriented Master of Engineering degree to be developed, coordinated, and implemented among three Arizona state-supported universities: Northern Arizona University, Arizona State University, and the University of Arizona. This graduate program is a shift from a "university-centered" research-oriented graduate education to a "student-centered" program in which practicing engineers define individualized programs of advanced study, choosing among course materials at any of the three state universities and obtain instruction, delivered via multiple delivery modes, as one-credit hour modules. This award will develop 36 one-credit hour modules of instruction and support dissemination of project outcomes through conference presentations and a workshop to be held at Northern Arizona University. The participating universities will contribute instructional technology equipment and market analysis; industry will contribute employee time for collaborative activities, including course development and instruction.