Microtechnology is a rapidly expanding field that is growing from its roots in integrated circuit fabrication to a broad array of applications that range from biotechnology to high-density microfabrication. This CRCD proposal entitled, "Microelectronics Education Enhancement Program," addresses this important field of microtechnology by providing students with opportunities for education and hands-on experience in subjects that define the broad microprocessing technology area.
The goal of this program is to introduce and develop a range of microtechnology courses from basic science to applications, including laboratory and research opportunities for students, beginning in the sophomore year and extending through graduate research. This will be accomplished by introducing students to the multi-disciplinary breadth of microtechnological theory and application using a new set of courses:
A new sophomore course that will introduce students to the materials properties of Si and it applications in microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems(MEMS); A junior year laboratory course, designed to provide hands-on experience in lithography and etching, and in developing and characterizing simple structures; A reconfigured senior level course on semiconductor processing along with related courses in electronic materials and device packaging; and A process integration course at the graduate level that will act as the capstone course for students interested in semiconductor applications, to accompany an existing course that serves as a capstone in the MEMS area.
These courses will be accompanied by a full range of research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students in the area of microtechnology, from MEMS to advanced microprocessor research.