The primary objective of this CRCD program at the University of Missouri-Rolla, entitled "Multidisciplinary Research and Modular Courseware Development in Infrastructural Health Monitoring Systems", to integrate the research results with curriculum development in the multidisciplinary area of structural health monitoring systems for the benefit of students in civil, electrical, nuclear, mechanical and aerospace engineering departments. The overall goals of the proposed project are:
* Development of multidisciplinary modular courseware for two-course sequence in health monitoring systems. * Collaborative, project-based learning with hands-on laboratory experiments in an interdisciplinary atmosphere. * Development of multimedia-based innovative educational delivery systems. * Provide a unique opportunity for minority students and faculty from the Turabo University, Puerto Rico, to conduct joint course development in health monitoring systems. * Collaborate with government laboratories and industrial organizations for finalization of course contents, delivery of guest lectures and technology transfer.