To educate engineers who will be able to function in an interdisciplinary, technology driven working environment, Louisiana Tech University proposes to institutionalize a freshman and sophomore curriculum that integrates basic training in mathematics, the sciences and engineering. This integration is to be achieved through content realignment and dialogue between concurrent classes and will build on an existing pilot program. Salient educational components of the program are a focus on team-based, technology-supported learning as well as the introduction of key concepts in the context of engineering applications.
Activities that are included in the project are:
1) Faculty development workshops and mentoring by experienced faculty to broaden the base of personnel capable of teaching in this new environment. These workshops will also reach out to local high schools to train high school teachers in integrated, active learning techniques. 2) Equipping too regular classrooms with laptop computers at every table to allow students access to the appropriate technology and facilitate a climate conducive to team work. 3) Faculty commitment to develop and adapt materials that facilitate active and cooperative learning to continue the shift towards active collaborative learning in all classes. This includes the development and adaptation of assessment materials to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the active, technology-supported approach.