Microwave engineering is extensively relying on computer-aided design. A state-of-the-art microwave workstation involves a network analyzer and a computer workstation for the design, simulation and testing of microwave circuits. It is planned to combine the current microwave circuit simulator Touchstone and layout tools MICAD and a workstation with a network analyzer to complete our microwave workstation. The completed microwave workstation will be used in three undergraduate laboratories: In the Microwave Laboratory, the equipment will enable the students to test the microwave circuits the designed. The network analyzer will be used both to teach concepts in microwave and to demonstrate its use as a design tool. The network analyzer will be used in the Microelectronics Laboratory. Microelectronics students will learn to perform RF measurements on the bipolar and field-effect transistors they fabricated in addition to other measurements. Frequency and time-domain measurements will be demonstrated in the Electromagnetism Laboratory. A manual will be developed demonstrating the use of the network analyzer with Touchstone and MICAD for the design, layout and testing of microwave circuits and devices in a modern CAD environment.