A REU Site program is established involving eight student participants. The program has both the summer and academic year components. At least three of the eight participants will be selected for summer participation from smaller regional colleges with limited research activity. A particular focus of recruitment efforts is to attract participants from women, minority and disabled student groups from within and without the university. Six faculty members will supervise the research efforts of the REU participants. The areas in which the faculty members are actively engaged in research span experimental and computational fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, heat transfer, helicopter aerodynamics and aeroelastic stability, aeroacoustics, noise control, automotive engineering, paper technology and robotics. A REU participant may select research problem in any one of these research areas of interest to him. Typical research problems are: (1) modelling of two dimensional jets, (2) computational fluid dynamics on parallel-architecture computers, (3) experimental unsteady heat transfer, (4) aeroelastic stability of bearingless rotor blades, (5) micromechanics modelling of short fiber composites, and (6) organized structures in interacting coaxial supersonic jets.