The objective of this project is to aid in the establishment of a major experimental research and educational facility to further strengthen existing efforts and support research in five major areas of computational investigations: 1. Software Engineering Environments and Tools including program verification, reusability theory, and automated software design methodologies; 2. Application Support Tools for mathematical modeling, computer aided design and manufacturing, statistical analysis, signal processing,control systems, and simulations; 3. Theoretical Research including fault-tolerant computing, parallel processing computational algorithms, network tool design, simulations on distributive system and parallel and multiprocessing models. 4. Artificial Intelligence including work on knowledge based systems, neural networks, symbolic computation and robotics; and 5. Laboratory Environments including end-user environments, human factors prototyping, and ergonomics. The facility might also be a central clearing house for internal and external faculty-development activities and for managing student research work. Centralized efforts could also promote additional curriculum development activities while controlling the use, budgetary activities, and further processing of additional research interests.