9322523 George An engaging research experience is an effective method to attract and retain talented undergraduate students for careers in science and engineering. This project will provide an environment for minority undergraduate students to experience research in Applied Computer Science. Students will be recruited from institutions that lack graduate programs in Computer Science. The two major components of the project are a summer research project and a one day seminar during the following academic year. During the summer, the participants will engage in well-defined, ongoing research projects. By working in small groups, they will have the opportunity to interact closely with experienced faculty researchers and graduate students. The participants will be encouraged to continue their studies and pursue research careers in Computer Science. Each group will write a research paper describing the work completed during the summer research project. These papers will be presented in a seminar during the following academic year. u search experience is an effective method to attract and retain talented undergraduate students fo ! ! ! ! G Times Symbol " Helvetica Chicago Times New Roman & Arial 5 Courier New Palatino Arial Narrow Book Antiqua Bookman Old Style Century Gothic Monotype Corsiva Monotype Sorts Century Schoolbook Wingdings MT Extra 1 Courier g g g " K# E # me Tracey Zeigler