9413862 Shridhar The research instrumentation along with the existing facility will support both basic and applied research in three-dimensional computer vision, pattern recognition, dynamic scene analysis, machine vision, intelligent systems, and parallel architecture for real-time implementation. Specifically, the research activities that will benefit from the acquired instrumentation include parallel processing for machine vision applications involving 3-d image processing, handwritten address recognition on mail pieces, document analysis and interpretation, 3-d image segmentation, medical image analysis, glass inspection, analysis of shattered glass for automotive applications, design of image processing hardware for morphological processing, lanes/road/automobile detection in visual/infra-red/millimeter wave images and compression of digital images and videos. The instrumentation requested in this proposal falls into two categories, namely, those pertaining to image data acquisition and display, and those pertaining to computing. The image equipment consists of a video camera, digitizer, frame grabber, and recording media. The computing equipment consists of high performance workstations. ***