9422065 Board This award is to purchase a large, shared memory, multiprocessing workstation with accelerated 3-D graphics which will be dedicated to support research in computer and information science and engineering. The equipment will be used for several research projects, all of which require expensive computations to be performed on large data sets. The jump from two dimensional to three dimensional modeling in many of the application areas listed below requires a major increase in system memory and CPU power, and the 1 gigabyte memory shared between several processors will make many 3-D simulations possible. Visualizing the results of 3-D simulations in many scientific disciplines, and other image processing applications, is also a major challenge, requiring both significant CPU power and large memory; the equipment is suited to this task as well. Five specific projects are: 1) parallel molecular dynamics computations, with particular attention to load balancing; 2) image compression using random neural networks; 3) parallel ocean acoustic signal processing; 4) extension of bi-domain methods for simulation of excitations in cardiac tissue to 3-D; and 5) visualization and analysis of large data sets from a 3-D ultrasound machine. ***