9422106 Leahy This award is to purchase equipment dedicated to research in computer and information science and engineering. Specifically, the equipment will be used for research in multi-dimensional signal and image processing, including in particular: 1) fusion of multimodal neuroimaging data; 2) adaptive quantization of image and video; 3) automatic target recognition via deformable template matching; 4) design of high resolution diffractive optics for photonic interconnections and computing; and 5) advanced adaptive multidimensional and array signal processing. Common to all of these projects is a need for access to fast numerical computation and high resolution visualization and display capabilities. The goal of this project is to set up a state of the art facility for processing, visualization and display of multidimensional data. Towards this end, a computer for high performance numerical computation, and a RAM-based workstation for display of high resolution video image sequences with a high performance graphics capability will be purchased. ***