9512332 Rowe The proposed project is aimed to build a hierarchical storage system for large multimedia objects and a high-speed network that can deliver these objects to desktops and classrooms across the campus. The storage system will have the capacity of storing over 10,000 hours of digital video material, 100 million images, or a combination of video and images. The network will be able to deliver 100 concurrent digital media streams. In addition to serving the campus, research will be carried on the system itself which will include developing: (1) metadata databases that contain indexes to multimedia data and algorithms to create the indexes, (2) applications to query, access, deliver, and display digital video clips, (3) video compression and flow-control algorithms that support delivery of scalable compressed video on ATM networks, and (4) network protocols to deliver real-time continuous media streams to one or more destinations. The proposed storage system will be widely used on campus for research and education source materials. The system will be used to conduct moderate-sized experiments to determine the cost, effectiveness, and problems that associated with the use of the storage and network technology. ***