CDA-9529460 Camps, Octavia I. Sznaier, Mario Kasturi, Rangachar Pennsylvania State University Robust Purposive Vision Lab A Robust Purposive Vision Laboratory using high performance image processing and imaging equipment is established within the Electrical Engineering and the Computer Science and Engineering Departments at the Pennsylvania State University. This laboratory supports research towards the development of both theoretical tools and specific algorithms for robust vision systems. Despite their potential to reduce costs and increase flexibility and safety, vision systems are not common in industrial environments. This can be traced to the inability of many algorithms to handle uncertainty. The main contribution of our on-- going and proposed research is to develop robust purposive vision methods, by combining functional and physics based computer vision with newly developed multiobjective robust control and filtering techniques. We expect that this combination will result in robust systems that can be successfully moved from a controlled university environment into the "real world". In particular, these results will be applied to reverse engineering, target tracking and motion detection.