CDA-9529463 Peshkin, Michael A. Mirkovic, Srdjan Northwestern University Robot for Human Workspace The requested equipment of computer hardware and software for real-time control of robotics systems is used in furtherance of research in computer and information science and engineering in the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering. The real time control and computation system is associated with the robot requested under this proposal and other robots in several closely related projects. Specific research tasks are as follows. (1) Research and development of robot-assisted surgical systems. Most immediately, a system for directing linear insertions, such as biopsies and orthopedic pins, under fluoroscopic imaging. These systems require fast dedicated computers for control, and a 6-axis force sensor to facilitate interaction with a surgeon. (2) Research and development of assertive devices to be used in the final assembly of automobiles and light trucks, with General Motors. This project requires a considerable amount of high-speed real-time digital signal processing hardware, and associated software.