9616397 Kolodner, Janet Guzdial, Mark Georgia Tech Research Corporation CISE/EHR/ENG/MPS Collaborative Research on Learning Technologies Program: A Design Education Center: Using Cognitive Science and Technology to Facilitate Learning and Doing Design Georgia Tech has been awarded funding in the amount of $50,110 for a period of 12 months to initiate a planning effort to design a multi-institute, multi-disciplinary, collaborative center to design, develop and evaluate environments (both physical and virtual) for design education at all education levels; to design, develop and evaluate curricula, curriculum guidelines, and classroom practices for learning and doing design. The center will serve as a research center, a forum for issues in design education, a forum for teacher and faculty development, and an agent for pragmatic dissemination of the results of its research. Partners in this planning grant include MIT, University of Colorado, University of California at Berkeley, University of Wisconsin, Addison-Wesley Interactive, Apple Computer, and Netscape.