9617375 Mohapatra, Prasant Sapatnekar, Sachin S. Iowa State University CISE Research Instrumentation: High Performance Computing and Application Laboratory This research instrumentation grant enables the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University to purchase equipment for developing a high-performance computing and applications laboratory dedicated to supporting research in computer and information science and engineering. The facility will be used for the following research projects funded by the CISE division of the NSF: - Integrated Processor Management Schemes for Parallel Computers, - Utilizing Idle/Spare Capacity Efficiently on a Network of Workstations, - Hardware Multicast Routing Technique for Scalable Parallel Computers, - Design Optimizations for High-Performance Circuits, - Optimizing Synthesis for Periodic Real-Time Applications. The investigators propose to acquire eight workstations and integrate them with the four existing ones (purchased through prior NSF and other funding) to build a cluster of twelve workstations. These workstations will be connected through a high-speed ethernet backbone. The time-consuming simulations that are required for the listed projects can be parallelized and run efficiently on the workstation cluster. Currently, the Computer Engineering program at Iowa State University does not have a computing laboratory dedicated to support graduate research activities. The University and the Department are highly supportive of building such a facility and are committed to the development of the computer engineering research program.