9634425 Long, Tim Sitaraman, Murali Ohio State University/West Virginia University CISE Educational Innovation: Development and Dissemination of a New Undergraduate Course Sequence in Software Design and Development This CISE Educational Innovation award supports the integration of research into the undergraduate curriculum through the development and dissemination of a new sequence in software design and development. The project is a joint effort between Ohio State University and West Virginia University, with OSU as the lead institution. The project involves the design, development, installation, and evaluation of an innovative three-quarter sequence in software design and development. The sequence is integrated and unified in its philosophical and technical bases. A major part of the effort includes the development of a software composition workbench consisting of an integrated set of software tools. The workbench will be capable of guiding students and software developers in their application of the methodologies taught in the course sequence and it will instill in software developers a particular mental model of software and how to construct it. Dissemination will be facilitated through training workshops for visiting faculty from a number of other institutions. The total project is supported in part also by the Fund for Improvement of Secondary Education (FIPSE) in the Department of Education.