9720148 USTAD This project will expand the activities and capabilities of the South Dakota Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Center. Dr. Ustad has several years of experience and has been very effective in assisting SBIR researchers and entrepreneurs in South Dakota with preparation of successful Phase I SBIR proposals. He also has a an impressive track record in the conversion of Phase I to Phsae II SBIR awards. This award will provide funds for establishing a Phase O program of small awards to industry/university partnerships; these awards will support research to strengthen anticipated Phase I SBIR proposals. A series of seminars will be presented throughout South Dakota to increase awareness of SBIR programs and the center will provide direct assistance with Phase I and Phase II SBIR proposal preparation and submission. Graduate students from the School of Business will be involved in helping to solve problems relating to the commercialization process. To increase the prospects of business successes an SBIR support network will be developed that includes accountants, lawyers, and venture capital firms. Overall this award is anticipated to develop a stronger entrepreneurial environment and awareness of SBIR opportunities in South Dakota. Such strengthened awareness and capabilities will be important in the state s transition from an economy based on extractive industries depending on natural resources to one including high technology industries which utilize the intellectual resources of university researchers and SBIR entrepreneurs to foster economic growth and development in South Dakota.