The Rochester City School District (RCSD) requests $500,000 from NSF for the first year of a three-year partnership for Minority Student Achievement (PMSA). The District has a 72 percent minority student population, enrolling the second highest number of African-American students of any city in New York State. PMSA funding will allow Rochester to better coordinate and expand its citywide K-12 mathematics and science education partnerships. Over three years, 100 K-6 generalist teachers and 100 7-8th grade mathematics and science teachers will partricipate in summer and school- year profrssional development programs. Concurrently, 300 7th and 8th grade students in three of the highest- need middle schools will engage in intensive summer and school-year enrichment activities in mathematics, science,m and technology. The RCSD will coordinate project services, working with a project Advisory Committee, comprised of teachers, parents and representatives of bvusiness and industry higher education institutions, pre-college minority access programs and stakeholder agencies. The Winter Group and the State University at Geneseo will cooperate to conduct a five-year longitudinal study tracking and analyzing improved minority student academic achievement and other related "systemic change" issues over a five- year period. Cash and inkind contribvutions to the Rochester partnership are estimated at $750,000 annually. An additional 600 K-12 grade students will participate in mentoring and enrichment activities and 100 9-12 grade teachers will participate in related inservice activities through non-NSF funding of the partnership over the next three years. PMSA Partners include: the Eastman Kodak Company, Xerox, Rochester Institute for Technology, University of Rochester, Monroe County Community College, the Challenger Learning Center, PRIS2M, the Rochester NAACP, and the Rochester Brainpower Alliance.