9450563 Brandt The Cincinnati Public Schools propose an innovative initiative, designed to promote broad-based reform in the mathematics, science, and technology education of its students. Restructured schools, a differentiated staffing model, a changed learning environment, curricular adaptation based upon national standards, and a strong professional emphasis emphasis are all components of the Cincinnati Urban Systemic Initiative's (CUSI) plan for systemic change. The CUSI builds on solid and extensive prior work in the reconfiguration of the schools and implementation of other major changes, including the replacement of top-down management with a Total Quality Management approach to school- based management, the creation of a pilot mini-district which is envisioned as a catalyst for educational reform and the use of Chapter I funds to bring about systemic reform. Innovative approaches to mathematics, science and technology (MST) education reform include: (1) the changing of the school calendar in pilot schools to a year round schedule that provides opportunity for more flexible and creative learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual children; and (2) the creation of multi- age/grade classroom structures in which the same team of educators and support persons stays with individual children for multiple years and is responsible, with the child, for each child's successful attainment of outcome-based performance goals.