9453018 Thompson The Los Angeles Urban Systemic Initiative (USI) is committed to having students attain world class standards in mathematics, science, and technology by developing student understanding of the importance of competence in these disciplines for success in today's society, and by preparing them for higher education and employment in mathematics and science-related fields as well as for productive citizenship. To achieve these goals the LA USI will create schools that are centers of learning for everyone, students, teachers administrators, and parents and other adults; implement a rigorous curriculum and enhanced teacher capacity to teach it; develop strong community partnerships; and greatly increase achievement expectations. These strategies are carefully phased in and well staged over five years, starting with the introduction of 100 schools in the first year. The LA USI will also develop its own bilingual teachers by actively recruiting prospective science and mathematics majors, establishing a career ladder as incentive for bilingual teacher aides and offering science and mathematics classes in a second language. ??