9453043 Lemme The Philadelphia USI (PUSI) is designed as a series of vertical networks, each of which is built upon a community of students, teachers, principals, staff and parents centered upon one of the district's 22 K-12 elementary-to-high school feeder pattern clusters. These networks are linked by cross-cluster (city-wide) networks of discrete interest groups (science teachers, mathematics teachers, technology specialists, principals) and by district-wide community partnerships. The PUSI seeks to: (1) implement a national standards-based K-12 MST curriculum delivered through instructional methods which actively involve students in their own learning; (2) enact a systemic professional development program incorporating extant NSF-funded programs, university partners and school site-based professional development that employs mentor teachers; (3) produce an extensive student support services network developed in conjunction with the Philadelphia Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities, local informal science institutions and other community partners; (4) begin the use of performanae-based student assessment to complement traditional assessments; (5) develop parent and community partnerships in support of MST education; and (6) work with the Philadelphia "NSF Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation" to produce future teachers whose abilities and attitudes complement USI objectives and goals. ***