This project will substantially increase the enrollment, achievement and preparation of African American students in the Omaha Public Schools for university studies in mathematics and science. Teachers will learn to use appropriate adaptive instruction to meet the needs and interests of their students. High standards of achievement consistent with state and national frameworks will be used to judge student success on standardized and performance based assessments. The project has been planned and will be implemented with the guidance of a representative Advisory Council. School staff will use a Total Quality Management approach to analyze the documented results of their work, revise strategies, and implement them. Staff will participate in a professional development curriculum designed to change instruction and enrollment in advanced science and mathematics. Articulation among schools will be improved by increasing personalized information about the success and needs of African American students. Support for student interest and motivation will be addressed by enrichment and community support activities. Students will have a number of enrichment opportunities including summer camps that will demonstrate use of science and mathematics in ecology, agriculture, health services, finance, engineering and others. Students will master science and mathematics curriculum with school and community based tutoring when necessary. The project will serve as a collaboration point for a number of existing programs in the community and school system, clarifying objectives and coordinating services. The project will be carefully evaluated and judged and will be implemented to assure continuation after NSF funding is ended. Records and materials will be organized so the project can be described for replication. ***