This is a proposal to hold a series of two-week Institutes on Interdisciplinary Global Change Science in the Americas (two every year). The proposed Institutes contribute to the development and strengthen the local and regional human capacity to deal with global environmental change issues and their socioeconomic impacts in the Americas. The Institutes will provide a comprehensive view of the physical processes driving global change and the socioeconomic consequences of these changes in the countries and sub-regions of the Americas. The participants will be early- to mid-career scientists and professionals, particularly policy and decision-makers. The IAI's science agenda is supported by fostering multidisciplinary research and communication between natural and social scientists.
This support for IAI Institutes fulfills the U.S. Government commitment to the Training Institutes program, as offered by the U.S. delegations to the Tenth Meeting of the IAI Conference of the Parties (CoP), held in Boulder, Colorado in June of 2003, and reconfirmed at the Eleventh CoP Meeting, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in June 2004.
The U.S. Government formally accepted the "Agreement Establishing the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research" on January 12, 1993 as an Executive Agreement, after the President's Science Advisor signed the Agreement at the Conference to Establish an Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on May 13, 1992. The original document and the U.S. Instrument of Acceptance are deposited with the General Secretariat to the Organization of American States.