Track 2: He Sapa Oyate: Geoscience Community at the Heart of Everything That Is
"He Sapa Oyate: Geosciences Community at the Heart of Everything That Is" brings together professional geoscientists and educators to increase the participation of Native Americans in the geosciences. Indigenous science is integrated with contemporary science, using outdoor field-based experiences for students and teachers at culturally significant sites in the Black Hills. This project supports secondary teachers and students at all levels from middle school to undergraduate levels in "place-based" educational experiences at sites that are scientifically important and culturally significant to the Lakota. Lakota perspectives and cultural values are incorporated into geoscience educational opportunities using proven educational theory and practices. Modern laboratory equipment, field techniques and 3-D visualization technology are being employed. The participants' experiences lead to involvement in significant research projects that are relevant to the local community and designed and executed in collaboration with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT) geosciences faculty and researchers. A SDSMT student selected as the He Sapa Oyate Fellow participates in scientific research activity at SDSMT. Results of scientific import will be submitted to peer-reviewed scientific publications, results related to education theory and practice will be submitted for publication in education journals (e.g., Journal of Geosciences Education, Journal of American Indian Education), and students, teachers and project team members will report results at professional meetings. The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) at the National Science Foundation provided partial support for this project.