South Carolina State University (SCSU) will collaborate with COSEE SE, SC Department of Natural Resource- Marine Resources Research Institute (MRRI), NOAA Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML), and the Orangeburg National Fish Hatchery (ONFH) to develop a research experience for middle school students in the ocean sciences. The goal of this project is to engage middle school students from communities traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields with hands-on experiences in ocean sciences and the scientific method of inquiry using site visits to ocean science facilities and mentoring by minority undergraduate students. In the process of working with the middle school students, a network will be built between middle school teachers, geosciences higher education professionals and geosciences researchers. It is envisioned that this model for a multilevel mentoring and research experience will change the middle school and undergraduate students' perceptions of the importance and attainability of careers in the geosciences. The project is anticipated to involve 60 middle school students from a predominately minority schools, 10 minority undergraduate students from SCSU, and 5 middle school teachers.