Khalil In response to an Announcement of Opportunity for the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment Program (GLOBE) this project is designed to meet the GLOBE goals and objectives of linking scientists and schoolchildren in a global information network with the ultimate goal of better understanding the Earth's environment and changes that take place within it. The specific goals of this project are to fulfill an important part of GLOBE's objectives dealing with the atmosphere and climate. Three tasks are to be accomplished: 1) To teach K-12 students about atmospheric composition, global change and climate by providing hands on experience, real data and computer based learning tools. 2) To obtain new data on key trace gases involved in climate change and ozone depletion, at continental sites, where such measurements are needed and have not been taken. The atmospheric measurements are supplemented by direct flux measurements to study sources and sinks. And 3) to establish a methodology that is inexpensive and ef ficient so that in the next phase of GLOBE, after this project ends, atmospheric composition can become a core measurement.